
NŒRDMAN goes public

In the years 2019/20 NŒRDMAN was a regular part of the Stadtmagazin Bremen "Puzzle and Comic Page".
» To the magazine (German only)

2020: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | Oktober | November | December

2019: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

NŒRDMAN over the air

Radio Bremen 2 | Feb. 2018
For many people in Bremen, Radio Bremen is of major importance in regional radio broadcasting. Kerstin Burlage visited us and interviewed us on NŒRDMAN.

Radio Bremen 4 | Feb. 2018
University of Bremen Comic
"NŒRDMAN" explains the internet. For some people, the internet world is new, with intangible dimensions. There, the NŒRDMAN comes into play. A bit geeky, a bit Nordic, on any account with a great deal of humor, he explains the unknown world to his fellows. Malte Janssen from Radio Bremen 4 interviewed Rolf Drechsler.

Partner of

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Website | Feb. 2018
NŒRDMAN Comic online
For all of us enjoying web comics on technology, geeks, and the North, we present a new comic each Monday.
» To the article

Late summer 2018
The funny world of geeks - a six pages article in the Stadtteil-Magazins Findorff and Horn. (German only)

A dpa press release caused a wave of news. Here are some of them:

comic.redaktion | CRN | DeuNews | FOCUS ONLINE | Lead-Digital | LRonline | NachrichtHeute | Neue Presse | Nord24 | Nordkurier | RTL | SAT.1 | Szenenight | T-Online | Uckermark Kurier | Volksstimme Magdeburg | WELT

Noerdman auf dem Digitaltag Even the national Digital Day was made a little bit more colorful by Noerdman.

This project was supported by the Sparkasse Bremen initiative "Bremen macht Helden".

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These two images may be used for editorial purposes providing the copyright holders “Rolf Drechsler and Jannis Stoppe, ©AGRA University of Bremen”. In this case, please send us a short notification and voucher copies.
Jannis Stoppe (left) and Rolf Drechsler (right)
🗁 4,02 MB | JPG

The four NŒRDMAN characters
🗁 1,4 MB | PNG

Any further use requires the permission of Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler. If you need further images for editorial purposes, please do not hesitate to contact us. 🖂

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